Saturday, December 29, 2007

Seth Godin E-books

I was on a Seth Godin kick yesterday and found and downloaded several of his e-books. Some have been around for awhile, but they are still great reading. Business week said, "Seth Godin may be the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age".

I posted:

"Knock, knock" - About what a website should and shouldn't be. Seth gives real world examples of how to improve websites.

"Who's There?" - Seth continues the dialog he started in "Knock, knock" and he discusses blogging, what it is, the different types and how they work. great insite on how to market through blogging.

"Everyone is an Expert" - Seth talks about Squidoo, his "nowblog" marketing tool where you can write about your passion for free and make money or give it to charity.

I even found "Unleashing the IdeaVirus," a 197 page e-book that has been around a while and I didn't think you could get a free version anymore, but I found it and you can download it for free at my site. It discusses, among many other ideas, that if you give something away it becomes more valuable. Hmmmm...

Anyway, you can download all of these e-books for free at my site,

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