Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do you suck at making money?

I'll make this quick. I am sending this out to people I have been writing to lately and wanted to let you know too. This offer is only good this week, so if it sounds good to you, you should act soon.

A good friend of mine is giving away great information. His name is Russell Brunson and you might have heard me talk about him in my seminars. He is a great guy and really knows his marketing.

He is *giving away* his newest product. I just finished ordering it and had to tell you about it. Here is the link:

Russell's information about marketing your products and services on the internet is second to none and this package you don't have to pay for. He says he will raise the price to $200 after this week. (And believe me, he will. I once bought a package for $20 that he is now selling for $300!)

There is a catch though (you're saying "I knew it! right?) He gives you a couple free weeks of his monthly newsletter, and if you like it, he will charge you to continue your subscription. However, when you order, you can actually opt out of it. That is rare.

I subscribe to his newsletter and that is where I learn a bunch of my Internet marketing tips and tricks. Good stuff. AND you get it for $10 less than I am paying. Hmmm, I'm going to have to ask him about that...

He also tries to share other fabulous packages with you, but you don't have to buy.
Please watch his process and learn from it. Watching one of Russell's campaigns is like taking a class on internet marketing.

Sorry. This email got kinda long. Take care,

IdeaBox Marketing & Design
Helping small businesses make money on the Internet

p.s. REMEMBER: You don't have to buy anything, but just watching how Russell does this is valuable information. Check it out:

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