Friday, March 14, 2008 - Know your market

There is a new site, recently launched called

It is a place a guy named Kiyoshi Martinez set up for Journalists to vent their anger and frustration anonymously and to the whole world. I worked in editorial graphics at a newspaper for 7 years. I know what these guys are talking about.

My personal angst has faded, but talk about a great way to get into the minds of the people you are sending your press releases to, hoping to get published. They are people just like us. We should treat them that way. Be reasonable. Do most of the work for them. Make your story a no-brainer to print. Make it exciting and newsworthy. We hear these things all the time, but really brings the point home.

What are we supposed to do? Know our market? They are our market when we are trying to get information about our company published. Let's understand them, step in their shoes and speak to them like they should be spoken to. They are the keepers of the gate. How are you going to get in?

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